Thursday, August 02, 2007

I'm melting!

It has been a couple of days since I last posted. Last weekend, Ben and I went to Free Friday Flicks in Homewood Park. They were showing the Wizard of Oz (one of my favorites). It was really a lot of fun. To be honest, I don't remember much else about the weekend. Saturday our new mattresses were delivered. RIP to Ben's old mattress; it was only 14 years old and he never could figure out why I kept complaining about my back hurting! Saturday night we went to Red Lobster with his mom and dad for Phyllis' birthday. Sunday night, we went to Pam's new house. It is very cute!

Tuesday morning when I got to work, it was about 80 degrees in the building. Obviously, the air was broken. We finally go someone to come out and the compressor had gone out. Well, of course, they didn't have one in stock so it had to be ordered. Well, here it is, Thursday at almost noon and we still don't have any air. Last night, I went home and I was going to lay down for a couple of minutes until church time. I heard Ben come in. I promise I looked at the clock and I thought it said seven. I told Ben "I'm late! I 've got to get ready for church." Ben looked at me like I was crazy. He said, "Rachel, it is 8pm." I told him, no, it was time for church and I had to get ready. Well, he was telling the truth; it was about 10 after 8pm. I was so disoriented, he kept asking me if I was ok. Truth be told, I didn't feel so good. Anyway, I am hoping that this is resolved soon. Even though it is about noon, it is already 94 degrees in the office. I can't take much more of this and no one else feels any better. Keep your fingers crossed that the part comes in today!!!! We are all melting!!!!!

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