Tuesday, September 25, 2007

There is no crying at Publix!

My mom will tell you that almost every time I call her I have a story about my wonderful experience at Publix (For those of you not familiar with Publix, it is this fantastic grocery store). Anyway, they have this commercial right now that shows this family taking their little boy to his first soccer game. Bless his heart, the little guy was doing his best. He was staring into space, he missed the ball and then picked it up with his hands. The dad says he is going to go check on him and he asks the little boy how he is. The little boy says "Dad, did you see me?" to which the dad replies yes. Then the little boy's face lights up and he says "I was awesome!" This commercial brings me to tears every time I watch it! I think it is so sweet and of course, it is just one more reason for me to love Publix (not that I need one!) Anyway, just thought I would share. Hope you are having a good week.


Paul said...

I guess that is why their prices are so expensive. You don't care how much you spend there because they made you cry over some silly commerical.

Rachel said...

Publix myth #1: It is more expensive.
FALSE: Publix isn't that much more expensive than other grocery stores. I stick to my list and spend the same amount as I would anywhere else. It is all in the list.

Paul said...

Okay, Publix defender almighty.

Rachel said...

Don't mess with Publix, Paul.