Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa was here

Merry Christmas!!!!! It has been a busy couple of weeks in the Garrison household. As usual, I went a little overboard with Ben's gifts.I finally made myself stop and I got everything wrapped and under the tree. I got him Guitar Hero but that was his "surprise gift" so I didn't sneak it in until Friday. We opened our presents this morning. I think we both pretty much got what we wanted. I got all three seasons of House and several other DVD's I had asked for. I also got some gift cards (Yay!) and a couple of cookbooks. (Double Yay!). Overall, it was a pretty good Christmas. Ben has a really bad sinus infection so we are staying home today. Not that I am complaining because I like curling up on the couch and watching movies or reading on Christmas Day anyway. Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you had a great one!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! I enjoy reading your blog daily.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you weren't able to be home with us, but I'm glad you had a good Christmas. I hope Ben is feeling better soon. Love you. Mom