Saturday, November 17, 2007

Shop till' you drop

This has been a LONG week. I can't go into detail....just take my word for it. Anyway, I was glad to see the weekend. Today I painted my closet; the inside is chocolate brown! It's funny but I don't even like chocolate that much. It looks yummy though. Like a big Hershey chocolate bar! My parents and my sister are coming down for Thanksgiving and my dad is going to install a closet organizer for me. I can't wait. I haven't been able to hang up my stuff since my closet collapsed a month ago. I have gotten rid of so much stuff but still there are clothes, shoes, and purses everywhere. Ben said no more of either. Whatever. I bought a new purse and some new clothes tonight! We have never really tried to do Christmas shopping together but tonight we went to the Galleria. I bought a couple of things for Ben but mostly stuff for myself. I have already done some of his shopping; I like to start early. The stocking stuffers are giving me some problems this year. Yes, we do stockings. I love it! It is one of those things I remember from my childhood. It doesn't have to be anything expensive. Just fun knick knacks. Christmas isn't complete without stockings. Tomorrow morning (yes, before church) I think I am going to get up and do my Thanksgiving grocery shopping. I love going to the grocery on Sunday morning when it isn't crowded. I hate crowds!!!! I have grocery cart rage. People are way too slow; make a list get what you need and move on. Well, that is it for now. I am only working two days this week so I am really looking forward to the short week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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