Friday, January 09, 2009

Playin' Catch-up

I've been getting some flack from a few of my so-called "friends" so I thought I would do an update for the last month or so.

In my last post, I talked about our anniversary. Ben and I had a gift certificate to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Birmingham. We had a wonderful dinner and a great anniversary. On that Saturday, we had lunch with Ben's family and did Christmas. I made Brody some bibs and a changing pad. I'm still learning how to use my sewing machine but I was proud that I got them finished (even though I didn't finish the last one until right before we walked out the door!)

We had been having some car problems (which will be addressed later) so we borrowed Ben's moms minivan to take to Kentucky. I am not a minivan person, let me just tell you. We spent the next week at Mom and Dad's.

No, this is not my parent's house but mom and Meredith told me about this house and we had to do a drive-by on Christmas Eve. Even though they told me about it, words don't do it justice. You truly have to see it to believe it.

We had a great Christmas eve and day with family. We drove to Nashville Christmas Day to spend it with my mom's family. Since my grandpa passed away in October, my mom wanted to be with her mom on that day. It was nice. I think my favorite part was when Ben and my brother Joey went to get on the elevator at Aunt Sally's house and SHE COULDN'T FIND THE ELEVATOR. Yes, you read that right. She has an elevator in her house and it wasn't on the floor she thought so she went down to each floor until she found it in the basement and sent it up to Joey and Ben. My Aunt Sally is my grandma's sister. Her husband passed away a long time ago and she recently sold her house and built this huge place. It is more like a museum for her doll collections than anything but it was crazy. I was too scared to get on the elevator; I mean, does someone come to her house and check it out? I don't know but I wasn't trying it out. I think Ben and Joey had a good time though. Joey said he was moving to the basement; it's not like Aunt Sally would even know he was there!

The only down part to the holidays was the car situation. I had spoken to Kia hoping they would fix something that was an obvious flaw in the vehicle but they refused. After talking to Kent and my dad, we decided to trade it in as is. I didn't really want to get a new car right now but the fact was that if I kept driving the Kia, it was going to cost A LOT to repair it. So we found a used 2008 Altima. I am in love!

That's pretty much it for now. On the job front, I am hunting, hunting, hunting. To all of you reading this (all two of you) PRAY PRAY PRAY. I have applied for some that I am interested in and one that I am SUPER interested in. I'll keep you all updated. I hope all of you had a happy New Year and Best Wishes for a wonderful 2009.


Crystal said...

I love the new car. The newer altimas are one one of the few cars I like. :)

I am glad you had a great holiday and hope you have good luck in job hunting.

Anonymous said...

The bibs and changing pad are so cute. You did a great job! :)

Your aunt looking for the elevator is TOO FUNNY! HILARIOUS!

I will tell you again that I love your car. Super nice!

Happy New Year to you both! :)

Cassie said...

I just traded my jeep in for a new altima as well. I love it to. Enjoy!!

Chad said...

That is a great looking car. Congrats.